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This module defines the options used by the PASCal library/app when fitting strain and volume data.


PASCalDataType (Enum)

An enumeration.

Source code in PASCal/
class PASCalDataType(Enum):
    PRESSURE = "Pressure"
    ELECTROCHEMICAL = "Electrochemical"
    TEMPERATURE = "Temperature"

Options dataclass

Options(data_type: PASCal.options.PASCalDataType, eulerian_strain: bool = True, finite_strain: bool = True, use_pc: bool = False, pc_val: Optional[float] = None, deg_poly_strain: int = 5, deg_poly_vol: int = 5)

Source code in PASCal/
class Options:
    data_type: PASCalDataType = field(
            "form": "DataType",
    """The type of data passed, either 'Pressure', 'Electrochemical' or 'Temperature'."""

    eulerian_strain: bool = field(
            "form": "EulerianStrain",
    """Whether to use Eulerian strain (True) or Lagrangian"""

    finite_strain: bool = field(default=True, metadata={"form": "FiniteStrain"})
    """Whether to use finite strain (True) or infinitesimal strain"""

    use_pc: bool = field(
            "form": "UsePc",
    """Whether to use the critical pressure to modify the fits."""

    pc_val: Optional[float] = field(
            "form": "PcVal",
    """The critical pressure value to use in GPa."""

    deg_poly_strain: int = field(
            "form": "DegPolyCap",
    """The degree of polynomial to use for fitting the strain vs charge/capacity."""

    deg_poly_vol: int = field(
            "form": "DegPolyVol",
    """The degree of polynomial to use for fitting the volume vs charge/capacity"""

    def from_dict(options: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Options":
        """Load options from a dictionary."""

        if options.get("data_type"):
            options["data_type"] = PASCalDataType[options["data_type"].upper()]
        if options.get("pc_val") is not None:
            if not options.get("pc_val"):
                options["pc_val"] = None
                options["pc_val"] = float(options["pc_val"])
        if options.get("pc_val") is None:
            options["use_pc"] = False
        if options.get("deg_poly_strain"):
            options["deg_poly_strain"] = int(options["deg_poly_strain"])
        if options.get("deg_poly_vol"):
            options["deg_poly_vol"] = int(options["deg_poly_vol"])

        return Options(**options)

    def from_form(form_data: Dict[str, str]) -> "Options":
        """Go through and check the values provided by the form."""

        options = {}

        for key in fields(Options):
            form_key = key.metadata["form"]
            if form_key in form_data:
                value = True if form_data[form_key] == "True" else form_data[form_key]
                value = False if form_data[form_key] == "False" else value
                options[] = value

        return Options.from_dict(options)

    def precheck_inputs(self, x) -> List[str]:
        """Check that the raw data passed is compatible with the options, adjusting
        the options where possible.

            A list of warnings, if any.

        if len(x) < 2:
            raise RuntimeError("Too few data points to perform fit: need at least 2")

        warning: List[str] = []

        if self.data_type == PASCalDataType.PRESSURE:
            if len(x) < 4:
                    "At least as many data points as parameters are needed for a fit to be carried out (e.g. 3 for 3rd order Birch-Murnaghan, 4 for empirical pressure fitting). "
                    "As PASCal calculates errors from derivatives, more data points than parameters are needed for error estimates."
            if self.use_pc and self.pc_val:
                if np.amin(x) < self.pc_val:
                    pc_val: float = np.min(x)
                        "The critical pressure has to be smaller than the lower pressure data point. "
                        f"Critical pressure has been set to the minimum value: {pc_val} GPa."
                    self.pc_val = pc_val

        if self.data_type == PASCalDataType.ELECTROCHEMICAL:
            if len(x) - 2 < self.deg_poly_strain:
                deg_poly_strain = len(x) - 2
                    f"The maximum degree of the Chebyshev strain polynomial has been lowered from {self.deg_poly_strain} to {deg_poly_strain}. "
                    "At least as many data points as parameters are needed for a fit to be carried out. "
                    "As PASCal calculates errors from derivatives, more data points than parameters are needed for error estimates."
                self.deg_poly_strain = deg_poly_strain
            if len(x) - 2 < self.deg_poly_vol:
                deg_poly_vol = len(x) - 2
                    f"The maximum degree of the Chebyshev volume polynomial has been lowered from {self.deg_poly_vol} to {deg_poly_vol}. "
                    "At least as many data points as parameters are needed for a fit to be carried out. "
                    "As PASCal calculates errors from derivatives, more data points than parameters are needed for error estimates."
                self.deg_poly_vol = deg_poly_vol

        return warning
data_type: PASCalDataType dataclass-field

The type of data passed, either 'Pressure', 'Electrochemical' or 'Temperature'.

eulerian_strain: bool dataclass-field

Whether to use Eulerian strain (True) or Lagrangian

finite_strain: bool dataclass-field

Whether to use finite strain (True) or infinitesimal strain

use_pc: bool dataclass-field

Whether to use the critical pressure to modify the fits.

pc_val: Optional[float] dataclass-field

The critical pressure value to use in GPa.

deg_poly_strain: int dataclass-field

The degree of polynomial to use for fitting the strain vs charge/capacity.

deg_poly_vol: int dataclass-field

The degree of polynomial to use for fitting the volume vs charge/capacity

from_dict(options: Dict[str, Any]) -> Options staticmethod

Load options from a dictionary.

Source code in PASCal/
def from_dict(options: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Options":
    """Load options from a dictionary."""

    if options.get("data_type"):
        options["data_type"] = PASCalDataType[options["data_type"].upper()]
    if options.get("pc_val") is not None:
        if not options.get("pc_val"):
            options["pc_val"] = None
            options["pc_val"] = float(options["pc_val"])
    if options.get("pc_val") is None:
        options["use_pc"] = False
    if options.get("deg_poly_strain"):
        options["deg_poly_strain"] = int(options["deg_poly_strain"])
    if options.get("deg_poly_vol"):
        options["deg_poly_vol"] = int(options["deg_poly_vol"])

    return Options(**options)
from_form(form_data: Dict[str, str]) -> Options staticmethod

Go through and check the values provided by the form.

Source code in PASCal/
def from_form(form_data: Dict[str, str]) -> "Options":
    """Go through and check the values provided by the form."""

    options = {}

    for key in fields(Options):
        form_key = key.metadata["form"]
        if form_key in form_data:
            value = True if form_data[form_key] == "True" else form_data[form_key]
            value = False if form_data[form_key] == "False" else value
            options[] = value

    return Options.from_dict(options)
precheck_inputs(self, x) -> List[str]

Check that the raw data passed is compatible with the options, adjusting the options where possible.


Type Description

A list of warnings, if any.

Source code in PASCal/
def precheck_inputs(self, x) -> List[str]:
    """Check that the raw data passed is compatible with the options, adjusting
    the options where possible.

        A list of warnings, if any.

    if len(x) < 2:
        raise RuntimeError("Too few data points to perform fit: need at least 2")

    warning: List[str] = []

    if self.data_type == PASCalDataType.PRESSURE:
        if len(x) < 4:
                "At least as many data points as parameters are needed for a fit to be carried out (e.g. 3 for 3rd order Birch-Murnaghan, 4 for empirical pressure fitting). "
                "As PASCal calculates errors from derivatives, more data points than parameters are needed for error estimates."
        if self.use_pc and self.pc_val:
            if np.amin(x) < self.pc_val:
                pc_val: float = np.min(x)
                    "The critical pressure has to be smaller than the lower pressure data point. "
                    f"Critical pressure has been set to the minimum value: {pc_val} GPa."
                self.pc_val = pc_val

    if self.data_type == PASCalDataType.ELECTROCHEMICAL:
        if len(x) - 2 < self.deg_poly_strain:
            deg_poly_strain = len(x) - 2
                f"The maximum degree of the Chebyshev strain polynomial has been lowered from {self.deg_poly_strain} to {deg_poly_strain}. "
                "At least as many data points as parameters are needed for a fit to be carried out. "
                "As PASCal calculates errors from derivatives, more data points than parameters are needed for error estimates."
            self.deg_poly_strain = deg_poly_strain
        if len(x) - 2 < self.deg_poly_vol:
            deg_poly_vol = len(x) - 2
                f"The maximum degree of the Chebyshev volume polynomial has been lowered from {self.deg_poly_vol} to {deg_poly_vol}. "
                "At least as many data points as parameters are needed for a fit to be carried out. "
                "As PASCal calculates errors from derivatives, more data points than parameters are needed for error estimates."
            self.deg_poly_vol = deg_poly_vol

    return warning